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  • inamh4

A bit about me!

Updated: May 25, 2020

Hey guys! This is my first blog post. Here I will give an overview of myself, my life, and my background. So to start, I was born in Lahore, Pakistan. (City of lights!!!) Lahore is like the New York or Vegas of America. All the yummy food, lovely sights, lots of upscale shopping, and lots of city life. When I was two years old, my dad who was an engineer got a job offer in Virginia, USA. my family and I moved. We stayed in VA. for about 2 years before we settled in Spartanburg, South Carolina (ohhh the good ole' South lol). I grew up in a very strict family and was limited as to what I can do and where I can go. I mean lets face it, ever met a Pakistani family that was chill with having sleepovers or having boyfriends? SC. has some ok places to hang out at... people are obsessed with Myrtle beach and treat it like the Bahamas around here. I have always been obsessed with the ocean. The ocean to me is the most beautiful creation God has ever created, so mysterious yet full of unknown life. I had plans to attend Charleston Southern University as soon as I graduated just to be near the ocean. In December of 2016, I graduated Dorman high school one semester ahead of my class. I did this because my dad was not well and my mom needed help taking care of him. I also have an older brother who always works, and an older sister who attends USC Columbia and lives away from home. As the last child in the family I felt like it would be very selfish of me to leave my mother alone in a situation like this so I made the decision to forget my dream of attending CSU and be with my family. I enrolled at my local technical college where I majored in diagnostic medical sonography. Now I hate doctors and the thought of working in the medical field. However given it was only a two year program and it was my families wish for me to do something in the medical field, I took the leap. I hated it lol. Every single minute of it sucked and I failed, horribly, numerous times. So I changed my major to counseling which suits me much better since I am a peoples person and it is something I've always wanted to do. In June of 2017, my dad passed away. This was a very rough time for me and my family, life would never be the same and still isn't. Right now I'm 21 years old and about to start my last semester at Greenville Tech! I'm also a huge fan of Pakistani media and have taken my first step to getting a foot in the door through the Miss Pakistan USA. pageant! That I will save for another blog. Thanks for reading friends! (:

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